Information Asymmetry
When you want to try a new restaurant, you can use a service like Google, Yelp, or Urban Spoon to read reviews, check hours and menus, and decide on a place to eat. Thanks to online rating services you’ll be able to make an informed decision about where to enjoy a nice meal.
Now imagine you are struggling to manage your debt and want to sign up for financial counseling. You Google 'financial counseling Rhode Island' and a number of options pop up: Money Management International, Rhode Island Housing, Consumer Credit Counseling Services, etc. A little more digging might direct you to Capital Good Fund, Amos House, or one of the handful of other nonprofit financial coaching organizations in the state. What you won't find, however, is what our dinner goers were seeking: ratings, reviews, and comparisons.
When you want to try a new restaurant, you can use a service like Google, Yelp, or Urban Spoon to read reviews, check hours and menus, and decide on a place to eat. Thanks to online rating services you’ll be able to make an informed decision about where to enjoy a nice meal.
Now imagine you are struggling to manage your debt and want to sign up for financial counseling. You Google 'financial counseling Rhode Island' and a number of options pop up: Money Management International, Rhode Island Housing, Consumer Credit Counseling Services, etc. A little more digging might direct you to Capital Good Fund, Amos House, or one of the handful of other nonprofit financial coaching organizations in the state. What you won't find, however, is what our dinner goers were seeking: ratings, reviews, and comparisons.
In almost any other interaction in the economy--going to the
movies, finding a contractor, buying a car, shopping for clothes--the customer
can arm herself with knowledge and find the best deal or service. In contrast,
for those seeking nonprofit services this concept is almost nonexistent;
nonprofits don't compete on price or service, and clients aren't expected to demand
much of them. Instead, there is an implicit assumption that people should be
grateful that the nonprofit exists; to want more would be rude or ungrateful.
The low-income individual may, in the course of a week,
visit a food pantry, financial counselor, welfare office, and job training
class, and they will do so without knowing their options. Is there a welfare
office with shorter wait times and more knowledgeable staff? What financial
counselors get the best ratings? What percentage of the graduates from a
job-training program finds employment upon graduation?
Because nonprofits tend not to think of those they serve as
customers, they rarely strive to improve customer service. Instead, they focus
on outputs--number of people served, volunteers engaged, and
funds raised. What's missing is the quality of their offering. Even
worse, nonprofits aren't penalized for having poor outcomes for
their clients. This is due in part to the lack of mechanisms for rating and reviewing nonprofits.
If we are to effectively change people's lives, we must be
held accountable to them. Absent a Yelp or Rotten Tomatoes for nonprofits, it
is hard for the poor to "vote with their feet" by frequenting the
organizations with good services and boycott the ineffective ones. Compounding
the problem is the fact that funders and boards of directors don't ask for this
information, so even if fewer people attend a nonprofit's training
program, the ramifications will be minimal.
In short, it is time for us to recognize that nonprofits are
businesses too; we have incomes and expenses, and we have customers to whom we
are supposed to deliver value. If anything, it is incumbent on us to be
more focused on the needs of our clients than, say, a gym.
Unfortunately, we in the sector may not change our ways until someone forces
our hand. Our boards of directors and funders should be asking these questions,
but the best approach would be to empower the consumer; a rating system for
nonprofit services would be a great start.
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